Marathon Berlin · E.T.Z.E.L. Streetband

This music video is displaying one of Berlins, my home city’s most beloved events – The Berlin Marathon. It is supposed to capture the incredible dedication and work not only Berlin citizens but people from all over the world put into mastering this challenge. It is more than just a sports event, it is culture.

Working with ETZEL was quite the change of pace compared to my previous music video work. I must say it was quite refreshing working with people who have been in the music industry as band for almost four decades. The amount of love all of the members brought forward for me was unprecedented. I am used to working with artists of my age which by all means does not always 

indicate a fast workflow. Although the days of shooting were a stretch the overall atmosphere was energetic. I must also thank my two assistants Famke Hembus and Dario Krakowski for helping me making this project possible. As always – Good filmmaking always comes down to the people your working with.

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Behind the Scenes.

Rigging up cameras while chasing daylight can be stressful but with an amazing crew and some energetic clients this experience can be thrilling.

Having the “Schlot”, a famous jazz-club in Berlin-Mitte as our performance location was a beautiful experience. There is just nothing like letting a good old stage tell its story by delivering a feeling of wisdom.